

Hey I am Katie, but people call me Werg, hence the title above. Right now I am in a point in my life that is extremely confusing. I consider myself a very fortunate person, lots of fun, amazing family, great friends, but right now I am questioning things and mainly myself and the direction my life is going. With playing volleyball for the past ten years of my life it has become not only a hobby but a part of me. Now, with my vb career over, I feel a little disoriented. In the real world people dont care if I was a volleyball player, where in the years past people were interested and could relate somehow. It just doesnt matter anymore and it really is a slap in the face. No one prepared me for this. Without my passion filling the hours of the day, thoughts have arisen and more doubt in my life has surfaced. Maybe volleyball was just camofloguing all these feelings before and I never realized it. Maybe thats why I want to continue to play, hide all the problems and go back to the security of normality in my life. But I do truly have the passion for it. Without it I feel, well I gues, not me. I cant even start a list of things I miss, there is way too much. I am not ready, I guess I just need a big shove. Why would I quit now? Something I have built such a passion for, such a obediance for, something I have made endless sacrafices for? I have always been taught not to quit and now they are all asking me to. Maybe I am just scared of the unknown future and volleyball is the one thing comfortable to grab on to as I dangle. But why not grasp something else, why am I choosing to hold on to it? Goodness, too many things and so much I cannot explain. I really do love my life but things great never go unquestioned.

All my blogs wont be like this, hopefully. My goal for this is to be also a creative blog, filled with inspirations to me and work by me and of course whats on my mind. I hope you enjoy. Dream big & wear flip-flops.

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